About Us

About Us

Christ said "I am the light (Jyoti) of the world"(Jn.8:12). And the one who follows his light Will never walk in darkness but Will have the light of life.

The word 'light' was specially associated With the Jewish thought and language of God. "The Lord is my light" (Psalm 27:1) "By His light I walked through darkness." (Job 29:3)

When Christ claimed to be the light of the world, He was making a claim that none could possibly be higher. Christ was aware of his closeness to God and he knew that he needed no other authority than God to corroborate his claim.

As human beings we can never make such a claim, for we live our lives half in the light and half in the darkness.Sometimes we endure a constant fear that the light may break in, because we prefer the safety of darkness.


The safety of darkness is the safety of a prison or the illusory safety of sleep. The light alone makes us free from anxiety, and from neurotic delusion. There are good things in life which we do not parade or talk about, certainly for excellent reasons of privacy or modesty or confidentiality. There are lovely things said, words which heal and encourage the sorely wounded soul, words of intimate trust and pure affection, which have no pertinence in the public domain, but if they were made public we would not be ashamed of them. At times, it may happen that in spite of everything else our human goodness may fail. But then the "Light of Christ" is there always to help and encourage us to return to the right path. We should not be afraid to come out of our darkness into the Light of Christ, for that light is not condemnation but compassion and new creation. Let this be a constant encouragement to all those who pass through Christ Jyoti School.